Southern mahogany is indigenous to the coastal plains and ranges of south eastern Australia (Bairnsdale to Newcastle). It is from the red mahogany group of eucalypts and is closely related to Sydney blue gum.
Southern Mohagany
Where does it grow best?
Southern mahogany grows best on sites with rainfall of at least 650 mm year-1. It enjoys sheltered sites with deep, well-drained sandy loam or clay loam soils. It is fast growing and tolerant of frost.
What does it look like?
Southern mahogany is an attractive tree with thick coarse bark on the trunk contrasted with smooth white bark on the upper stem and smaller branches.
What sort of wood does it produce?
The wood from southern mahogany is an attractive red to light red colour and is strong and durable. The timber is used for furniture, flooring and veneer applications. Historically it has been used in heavy construction, for sleepers and posts.
What are its most valuable features?
Southern mahogany’s most valuable features are its rapid growth, its tolerance of frost and its beautiful red wood.