Welcome to our FAQ
We have tried to answer the most common questions.
General FAQ's
Below are some common questions about shipping, returns, and exchanges
What is the difference between water based and oil based timber clear finishes?
Water based finishes, like our Aussie Coat, sit on top of the timber surface like a sealant whilst the oil based, Aussie Clear, soaks in to the timber for a more natural finish.
What does Free Shipping Mean?
We ship to your address for free if you can meet our criteria and that;
- Saves money on time to pick up and petrol
- Reduce wear and tear on car (see our funny video on paint spills)
- Access to Australian made products that cant get on the shelves for all the imports!
- No queues
- Weight loss due to avoiding those yummy Bunnings sausages
Which finish should I choose for my timber deck?
Aussie Clear has been our biggest seller for over 30 years because its Australian made for our harsh conditions. Consider also purchasing Grey Deck Cleaner as a prep to using Aussie Clear.
Can I use Aussie Clear on treated pine?
Yes, but the trend is to use the Aussie Clear Walnut finish because it gives the pine an expensive woody finish. Order a sample can and see for yourself.
How do I prepare my deck/timber for re-application?
Clean the deck with Grey Deck Cleaner and a deck preparation scrubbing brush like the one that comes in the UniPro decking kit. Use of a pressure cleaner is recommended but use the car cleaning nozzle. Pressure cleansers can erode timber with the standard high-pressure jet nozzle. If the deck looks terrific when wet then that's more or less the result you'll get after a couple of coats of oil.
Can I apply Preschem's Clear Finishes to any outdoor timber surface such as baulistrades, fencing, furniture, Cladding
Yes. Any outdoor situation. Also can be used indoors.
Do I have to sand back the timber prior to re-application for best results?
Not if you are re-applying Aussie Clear. Sanding is only recommended if your timber is really bad, or you’re switching from a water based film-forming product like Cabot Aquadeck.
Do you have any wood preservatives for timber that has been submerged in a flood?
Yes, No Rot Gel can be applied to the damp timber, infact the gel works best on a damp timber!
Timber Decay FAQ's
Below are some of are common questions about Timber Decay
What is Timber Decay (rot)?
Timber Decay/ wood rot is a biological attack within the wood by certain species of fungi. The fungus can lie dormant in the timber for years until the right conditions present themselves, most causes of timber decay occur due to an increase in moisture or damper conditions.
Can I Prevent Timber Decay (rot)
Yes you can.
Preschem have a range of products that can prevent and treat it. Our products protect timber against decay, rot, fungicide, termites, borer and insect attacks.
What is Brown Rot?
Brown rot fungi utilize cellulose and the related constituents of the cell wall and leave lignin in a more or less unchanged condition.
What is White Rot?
White rot fungi concentrates its attack on the lignin within the cell and has the effect of breaking down the components of the wood. White rot usually leaves the wood fibres with a stringy appearance and white in colour.
What is Soft Rot?
Soft rot fungi like brown rot fungi tends to attack the cellulose of the cell. Wood affected by soft rot may change to a slightly darker colour but often remains ery similar in colour.