The spotted gum family is made up of four species that are indigenous to coastal areas of eastern Australia (East Gippsland to Northern Qld). In Victoria, the species Corymbia maculata and Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata have been most successful in plantations.
Spotted Gum
Where does it grow best?
Spotted gum performs well across a range of sites. Best performance is found on sites with rainfall of at least 550 mm year-1 and deep, welldrained clay soils. Spotted gum is intolerant of frost-prone areas.
What does it look like?
Spotted gum is a tree with high aesthetic appeal. It is a tall, smooth-bark
tree with cream and dark grey spots along the trunk. It is often planted
along streetscapes and around parkland for its beauty.
What sort of wood does it produce?
The wood from spotted gum is highly valuable and extremely versatile. Its colour varies from light brown to dark red-brown. It is hard, durable and strong. Spotted gum is popular for flooring, decking, furniture and as a veneer. Outdoor furniture made of spotted gum has consistently won industry awards in Australia. Historically, spotted gum has been used for heavy engineering applications as well as for tool handles and boat building. Spotted gum is a very good pulpwood.
What are its most valuable features?
Spotted gum’s most valuable features are its aesthetic appeal as a tree, its ease of processing and drying in the sawmill and its versatility as a wood in the market.
Wood density (green) | 1200 kg/m3</td |
Wood density (at 12% moisture content) | 1000 kg/m3 |
Strength (green & dry) | F17-F34 |
Durability class (above ground) | 1 |
Durability (below ground) | 2 |
Hardness (unseasoned & seasoned) | Very Hard |
Termite resistance of heartwood (inside above ground) | Resistant |
Lyctid Borer susceptibility of sapwood | susceptible |